Autac Continuing Support of UK Manufacturing

Autac Suppliers

The United Kingdom (UK) has a proud history of manufacturing. The Steam Engine, invented here, revolutionised the global economy of the 19th Century. Research at the University of Oxford in the 1970s made the lithium-ion battery possible and will revolutionise our car sector in this century. We invented the world's first COVID-19 vaccine. We are also now the 8th largest manufacturing economy in the world. The UK manufacturing industry contributed over £200 billion every year to the UK economy and creates over 40% of the country’s exports.

Throughout Autac’s 60 years in manufacturing in the UK, we have always found it important to keep in touch with our supply chain. This has given us a key understanding of how our suppliers operate, it helps to build rapport and trust, and brings a further understand of the challenges that are being faced and how we can support them.

Last week Harley – Del Rio (Production Manager) and Archie Lowe (Buyer) headed down to meet one of our key suppliers and good friends at Tenable Screw Company. Tenable have been an integral supplier to Autac for over 10 years, their relatable business model and support has been paramount to our development and growth in recent years. The purpose of the visit was to gain an educational understanding on how their manufacturing process works, discuss industry affairs, future opportunities and meet both Simon and Nick personally, thanks for your time guys...!


Our Partnership with NAPA Racing


High Five for NAPA RACING UK in Historic BTRC Opener.